About EMI

College of Life Sciences of NCHU

The Executive Yuan has outlined the program on Bilingual Education for Students in College (BEST) for the growth and enhancement of English Medium Instruction (EMI) for the “Bilingual Nation 2030" bilingual talent cultivation vision.

In the Ministry of Education's " The Program on Bilingual education for students in college", the National Chung Hsing University College of Life Sciences was awarded the only English as a medium of instruction (EMI) teaching in the field of life sciences in the country.

Through this project, under the leadership of the "Bilingual Education Executive Committee”, the main responsible unit of the EMI, the College of Life Sciences would build the skills and environment for teachers and students to communicate internationally, expand their international horizons, and connect with the world, making the College of Life Sciences an important center for nurturing international biotechnology talents.

The College of Life Sciences of National Chung Hsing University has a group of top life science teachers in the country. The core research topics of the College of Life Sciences include Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Biomedicine, Genomics, Proteomics, Molecular Virology, Plant Physiology, Animal Physiology, Biotechnology, Structural Biology, Ecology, Taxonomy, Evolution, Conservation Biology, and Bioinformatics. The educational goal of the College of Life Sciences is to cultivate students with "professional knowledge and skills in the field of life sciences, independent thinking, analytical and logical skills, communication skills, leadership and problem-solving skills".

Through EMI education, students would be encouraged to participate in international society publications, biotechnology competitions, and exchange studies with overseas Lab to Lab, etc. to enable students not only to stand at the international forefront in professional knowledge, but also to cultivate talents who can communicate and cooperate with international professionals, and hope to cultivate talents with "global mobility of high-level life science professional expertise ".


國立中興大學生命科學院致力於生物科技菁英人才的培育,重視學術風氣的營造與創新研發的價值,配合行政院「2030雙語國家」雙語人才培育願景及教育部「大專校院學生雙語化學習」計畫,本院榮獲全國唯一之「English as a medium of instruction (EMI)」生命科學教學學院,透過該計畫本院將建構師生國際溝通能力的技巧與環境,拓展國際視野,接軌世界,使國立中興大學生科院成為孕育國際生物科技人才的重鎮。

本院擁有全國數一數二完整的生命科學教師群,教師研究主題,包括分子生物學、生物化學、生物醫學、基因體學、蛋白質體學、分子病毒學、植物生理學、動物生理學、生物技術、結構生物學、生態學、系統分類學、演化學、保育生物學及生物資訊等領域 ; 研究材料以動物、植物或微生物為主,從事各種生命現象之探討。授課以原文課本為主,各單位專題討論亦選擇國外頂尖期刊,透過EMI規劃全英語專業課程強化學生專業科目「聽」、「說」、「讀」與「寫」的能力。並鼓勵教師開設專業科目全英語課程,提供全校或全國相關系所所需,以國際化的教學品質與專業團隊為後盾,成為學生的嚮導、協助學生們達成『將英文轉化為實際展現專業能力的工具,並得以應用在職場或生活上有效且自信的溝通』。

生科院教育目標為培養學生具備「生命科學領域之專業知識與技能、獨立思考能力、分析與邏輯能力、溝通能力、領導與解決問題能力」。透過EMI教育鼓勵學生參與國際學會發表、生技競賽,與海外Lab to Lab交換學習等;使學生不僅在專業知識能夠站在國際前緣,並養成可以與國際專業人士溝通合作,期能培養出具「高階生命科學專業知識全球移動力」的人才。


English Medium Instruction (EMI), College of Life Sciences, NCHU

  • 402 No.145 Xingda Rd., South Dist., Taichung, Taiwan.
  • TEL:04-22840370#19 FAX:04-22860164
  • E-mail:emilifesciences@gmail.com
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